My youngest daughter, Jennifer passed away January 1, 2003, from a 2nd bout of breast cancer. She was only 33yrs. old, & left behind her loving family, including her dad & I, her sister & brother, their children, her husband & 2 sons, & so many friends whose lives she touched. She was such a Light in our lives! Her exuberance for Life, her joyful way, her kindness, her compassionate & caring heart, & who could forget that incredible laugh! I miss that so much! She taught all of us what Unconditional Love was all about just by her example!

          I also want to share with you the most extraordinary awareness that came after she passed on. Two days before she passed I heard her voice speak to me in my mind in a term of endearment she had for me! Then two days after she passed as I went for a birthday cake for my oldest daughter, there also came a Oneness with her inside like I experience with God, which was so beautiful & unexpected, like a gift from God that was such a blessing for me! Awareness came that when she was in her body we were two separate beings with our own human agendas, but now as spirit she’s again one with me like when I carried her before she was born, but with the 32 years of memories added to that! I now continue to hear her voice some days with that same term of endearment, “momma”, or other brief messages, but no conversations like I have with God. My baby is with me always! I feel so blessed beyond words! The funny thing is this Oneness didn’t happen with any of the other loved ones who passed on! Just my daughter! I do however feel other loved ones are with me!

          Then another event happened the day of her funeral that was such a blessing to me also! The services were all over & I sat right in front of her coffin, not bearing to think of what would come next. All of a sudden God popped in my head, “The butterfly has flown” & it just lifted my spirits in a way nothing else could have! It was the perfect thing for God to say to me to comfort me! The butterfly you see on my website & card is my tribute to her, my beloved little girl!
“Remember me, as the rainbow after a storm.
Remember me, as the waves upon the beach.

Remember me, with a twinkle in my eyes,
Laughter in my heart,
& Joy in Life’s adventures-always!

Remember me, for the Love I shared with those I knew.
Remember me, & be glad we shared memories together.
Remember me, in your heart, in your mind, in your soul.

I am every where, yet no where.
My soul & my spirit live on.
Cherished & enriched by those who have known me.

Remember me, & in that memory, I live forever.”

Portion of poem by Barbara Taylor

Remember Me